Nowhere Man

One of the shorthand criticisms of the internet by the mainstream media is that it is almost wholly populated by paranoiacs, single-issue fanatics, stalkers and sundry geeks. Thank God, they say, for the reasoned professionals in the nation’s newsrooms.

Given what the internet (and bad management) has done to the legacy media business, it’s understandable that some journalists are defensive about ventures outside the mainstream. (more…)

News Anonymous: The 12-Step Program

One of the joys of the silly season is that the media focus switches from being bored to death by Duelling Press Releases in Canberra to the relative excitement of watching cricket tests on television.
Like a blowfly loose in the kitchen, you only notice the enervating influence of the drone from the nation’s capital when the Raid starts working. The resulting quiet allows you the space to make New Year’s resolutions about your media consumption.
Most of the suggestions below broadly come under the heading of Turning Off the Noise. In our always-on, wireless and networked modern world, preserving one’s sanity is often best achieved by just un-hooking oneself for a while (or not allowing oneself to get hooked in the first place.)
So in the interest of sponsoring more calm reflection and less needless flying off the handle, here is my 12-step program for junk media junkies in 2012:



A US court’s $2.5 million ruling against a blogger for defaming a businessman has sparked a flurry of new attempts to define journalism in relation to blogging. My view on what constitutes journalism is similar to what someone once said about por**graphy – I know it when I see it.

While this won’t help the judges, you can be certain that earnest attempts to define a journalist in legal terms will lead to nothing but confusion. The Americans, with their black letter law pedantry, just love debates of this kind because it keeps much of the legal profession in business.

Not the Hoi Polloi

OK, it’s not Newspoll or AC Nielsen or Essential….it’s not even a Morgan poll. But the Failed Estate is proud to unveil results of its first ever readers’ survey. We polled your attitudes on party politics, economics, refugees, climate change and the media. Here are the (dubious) results.

On political leanings, five per cent of our respondents characterised themselves as former bleeding hearts turned grumpy conservatives. This is a category your host can identify with, except he is so old he has gone full circle from wet liberal to flinty conservative and back again – left, right, left. (more…)

Journos in Jarmies

Over at Club Troppo, Don Arthur has run a  post titled ‘The Blogosphere’s Delusions of Grandeur’,  regurgitating the now ritual meme that pits the apocryphal self-aggrandising blogger in pyjamas (usually venting about the meeja) against the hard-working professional investigative journalist risking everything for his readers. (more…)