Hands Up: Gillard Faces Armageddon, Apocalypse The Australian

Denis Shamandham

The Gillard government is under intense pressure tonight after (insert name of industry lobby group here – ed) released a damning survey which highlights the cost to consumers (‘unspecified, check tomorrow and multiply by four’- ed) of its contentious carbon tax.

The release of the survey from the high-profile something-or-other association comes amid a clash in Labor ranks between one-faction-and-another and is bound to fuel speculation (‘can we drag a backbencher out of the pub for an off-record quote?- ed) of an imminent challenge to Gillard’s shaky leadership.

“Our economy is on the ropes and this is the killer punch,” said Dig-it-Out-of-the-Ground-and-Ship-to-China Industry Association president Chip Chunkworth. “Now the government is pushing us into our own graves (‘mixed metaphor, but let it go, he’s a miner’ – ed) and that’s got to be bad for working people.”

The angry (‘bitter?’; ‘furious?’; ‘seething?’ – come on man, I’m asking for adjectives here – ed) industry response to the carbon tax inquiry is likely to cement (“cement!” “. Yes! send a note to the cartoonist to draw Gillard with cement shoes being dumped into the harbour by Rudd) recent unrelenting trend in opinion polls away from a government that is losing the faith of even its most rusted-on supporters (‘rusted’ – iron ore, God I’m good’ -ed).

Earlier today, the respected Newspoll (‘It better be bloody respected, do you know how much we pay these people to stitch things up for us?’ – ed) showed increasing support for Opposition Leader Tony Abbott, whose straight talk is resonating with voters.

“Tony understands the needs of working people,” said Jadyn, a 23-year-old welding contractor from Penrith (‘Where’s the second name?’ – ed: –  ‘Lib Party guy says he will phone through tomorrow’ – Denis). “Straight talk, no fuss and plugged into the mortgage belt.” (‘Stock photo of tradie with tool belt’ -ed)

The Abbott ascendancy (‘ascendancy’ – I LIKE it! call The Weekend magazine and arrange a photo shoot of Abbot rock climbing’ – ed) comes amid declining fortunes for a Labor Party which even its truest believers is starting to doubt (‘insert photo of Faulkner with damning quote from headland speech’ and call Latham for an op-ed’ – ed).

(Ed: ‘Put some stuff here from RBA speech along lines of’): The mortgage belt is losing faith in a Labor government whose reckless spending (‘cut and paste BER, pink batts standard pars’) has fuelled six consecutive increases in interest rates and looks set to spark a seventh after the next CPI figures in late July. (‘Plot Aussie rates against US and Japan; yes, I know they’re in recession, but f**k me, homes are cheap over there’ – ed)

“The economy is strong and that means” that we have lost control of the economy, said ANZ chief economist Paul Eslakeland. (‘Is that partial quote OK? He said something like ‘that means we need to moderate domestic demand’, but no-one understands that gobbledygook’ – Denis. ‘Do I look like I care? -ed).

The plight of the mortgage battlers provides a stark contrast to the relaxed demeanour of Prime Minister Gillard and her live-in, de-facto, fellow atheist partner Tim Mathieson living in their godless relationship (‘Steady on, Dennis. We’re getting Tony to do a homage to BA Santamaria this weekend anyway, so that should keep  your rosary-fiddling mates happy‘ – ed)

The Prime Minister’s clear desperation in courting 60 Minutes appears to presage her calling an election this weekend that polls suggest she would lose easily, providing greater certainty for business at a time of greater uncertainty (‘where’s the unprecedented?’ -ed)

(Pick up wires from here. Link to Planet Janet on how secret ‘madras’ in Bankstown is telling kids that Mohammed was a surfie; link to whatever Kelly’s writing about forks in the f**king road and tell Mega George he’s fired! – ed)


wil · June 15, 2011 at 1:00 PM

Gold. Liking your idea that the media is a troll. I remember a couple of weeks ago where there was all the beat up over Cate Blanchett doing the anti carbon emissions ad. Suddenly all of the news programs on Channel 10 were getting stuck into her. It was a bit of a mind$&%^ for me because George Negus and Charlie Pickering lead the charge. One comes from the ABC, the other was a comedian who I remember giving a great show at the Rhino Room in Adelaide a few years ago. Needless to say, the words coming out of their mouths differed from what was in the back of their minds. I hope. Money/career corrupted these two that night, and I won't forget.

Your post speaks for all of those that put a little mind into their days, and find a lot of what they come across to be pretty ordinary. I often think when I watch the news or other journalists at work how they would have started off as such bright young sparks, full of optimism about how they can make their mark on the world through their writing and reporting. Then they turn into a Tracy Grimshaw. Fail. Despite the massively high entrance score to get into a journalism course at uni, journalists often have little to show for it.

And look what's happening. They've all been outdone by a hacker, a uni dropout, a boy from Townsville. Fail again.

nisussist · June 15, 2011 at 1:10 PM

It's like you were a fly on the wall.

Nice work, Mr Denmore, as usual.

Dan · June 16, 2011 at 3:15 AM

Just as 'Frontline' was a training video for television news, I fear, Mr D, that this is a primer for budding Limited News columnists.

RodH · June 16, 2011 at 3:25 AM

I'm getting worried. Only Denis himself could come up with a piece like that. Is “Mr Denmore” really moonlighting for the Oz?

Anonymous · June 16, 2011 at 10:27 AM

Denmore Shanahan?

PatriciaWA · June 18, 2011 at 1:06 AM

News Ltd. could make any story 'seem' true, couldn't they? Between this lovely piece of satire and The Political Sword's serious debate about political morality I've been concerned at http://polliepomes.wordpress.com/ with 'How Australia’s Moral Compass Seemed Lost' and how Julia Gillard 'seemed' to blame. Fortunately Tony Abbott saved the day for me and demonstrated very clearly that he was the culprit. Oh, for another Godwin Grech or similar, when Abbott will bring himself undone as Turnbull did.

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